The Food & Thought Program

Unlock the power of three: coaching, mindfulness & nutrition

I’m excited to be partnering with my friend, the fabulous marketer turned naturopathic nutritionist Neil Bridgeman, for what we dubbed the Food & Thought Program

After a few conversations, before and after I interviewed Neil for the podcast just over a year ago, we have come to realise that combining our talents to link coaching, mindfulness and nutrition could be the key to getting our clients from wishing they could succeed at getting better health and wellbeing, to actually making the shifts they need to make

If it sounds off-brand, because here I’m talking coaching and consulting, it kind of is — except that with my personal story including near burnout and an auto-immune diagnosis, the connection of mindfulness and nutrition is actually very close to my heart.

Get all the details in this link and drop me a line if you are interested or have any questions.

Nutritionist Neil Bridgeman, Anne’s partner in the Food & Thought Program