Out of the Clouds
July 25, 2023, Anne V Mühlethaler

Uncovering the ‘Love’ in Loving Kindness, pt. II

How the practice encourages a kinder inner roommate relationship

We are born in this strange lifestyle that we rarely admit to experiencing: we sort of live with someone else, an ever-present inner roommate, that is oftentimes the greatest source of distress, anxiety and discomfort in our lives.
Have you ever considered what could be done to make it a better relationship? Or, let’s say, to create a better living environment in your own mind?

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Out of the Clouds
May 22, 2023, Anne V Mühlethaler

Uncovering the ‘Love’ in Loving Kindness

How the practise’s ‘wanting well’ mantras encourage connection with oneself

In my first years of teaching meditation, I was full of awe and excitement: I was going to be another conduit for bringing these practises out into the world. Yet all the while, I was forgetting to put forward and do the hard work of telling students the story of the practise that made the most impact in my life. And that is Loving Kindness.

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Out of the Clouds
February 3, 2023, Anne V Mühlethaler

Pausing and My A-Ha Moment

Away from default mode, moving towards choice

A new year is like a new day, it feels like an opportunity to press reset and start afresh. But afresh sometimes doesn’t mean much, when we (me?) get caught pressuring ourselves to meet deadlines that don’t mind the length of our to-do list. That’s how I often find myself late in getting new meditations…

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Out of the Clouds
July 25, 2022, Anne V Mühlethaler

The songs that represent us

A Playlist for Slow Summer Days

Whether you are staying home or getting ready for a road trip, please enjoy the first Out of the Clouds playlist, comprised from the very eclectic collection of my guests’ answers to one of my favourite questions – a tough one to answer, too: what song best represents you?

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Out of the Clouds
July 17, 2022, Anne V Mühlethaler

Why meditate? An introduction

A daunting question to attempt to answer, yet teacher Anne Muhlethaler is greatly motivated to dig into why we should meditate and how it benefits us. Whether you are a curious beginner new to meditation or more advanced, here’s an introduction to explore how meditation is the path to connection.

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Out of the Clouds
June 13, 2022, Anne V Mühlethaler

Root to rise

When tending her garden, Anne started to explore the meaning of roots, and what it means when we don’t feel a strong connection to the roots in our own lives.

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Out of the Clouds
April 25, 2022, Anne V Mühlethaler

Building community, creating connection

“The currency of the future is also the currency of the past. It’s simply about intentionally creating deeper connections to each other.” – Bernadette Jiwa, Difference I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the world is full of problems. I wouldn’t want to live in a previous era, however. We’re only in 2022 and some…

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Out of the Clouds
May 18, 2020

On Opening My Eyes Under Water

The hydrofoil is gliding on the Tyrrhenian Sea, the water slick like oil. The blue of the sea doesn’t quite merge with the sky on the horizon, but there is lightness and depth to the slight waves I observe from the upper deck. Once in a while, the boat propels upwards a little. It feels…

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Out of the Clouds
May 10, 2020

Me and the bee

Feeling stuck, battling an invisible wall, feeling so close and yet so far from freedom? Sometimes, all we need to do is stop and take a step back.

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Out of the Clouds
November 19, 2019

On Rearranging

After a lifetime of moving furniture around, Anne explores how our inner life is often reflected in our personal space, and how she built a life and a space that feels like home.

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Out of the Clouds
August 31, 2019

On Meeting a Butterfly

While on holiday earlier this month, I had a moment with a butterfly. The black and white creature seemed to know exactly where it was getting to when it softly landed on me, like it had a purpose at that very moment. I was in a divine spot: at my feet thermal and sea water…

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Out of the Clouds
August 25, 2019

On Loving Kindness, or Metta Meditation

“The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj About three years ago, I was in a beautiful wellness resort in Thailand where I got the chance to attend my first ever group meditation. I sat in a circle with about 10 others on little rattan semi-chairs – floor seats with cushions…

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Out of the Clouds
August 17, 2019

On Goal Setting, Desires and Intentions

The journey toward a fulfilling life

What makes for a fulfilling life? Anne explores the journey of discovering and pursuing one’s deepest desires and intentions through the practice of goal setting. She begins with a quote from the Upanishads, weaving the threads of desire, intention, will, and action. Anne shares her experience of initially hesitating to explore her own desires, fearing the discomfort that comes with facing one’s own heart. Guided by practices such as creative visualisation, meditation, and journaling, a good dose of introspection and some goal setting exercises, she eventually found clarity about her future path. This led her to take steps to align her life with her heart’s purpose. This story is rich in examples and recommendations for other’s explorations of their own goal-setting practices. If you’re looking for inspiration and guidance in your own pursuit of fulfilling desires, this may be just the thing you need to read today!

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