Out of the Clouds
August 17, 2019
On Goal Setting, Desires and Intentions
The journey toward a fulfilling life
What makes for a fulfilling life? Anne explores the journey of discovering and pursuing one’s deepest desires and intentions through the practice of goal setting. She begins with a quote from the Upanishads, weaving the threads of desire, intention, will, and action. Anne shares her experience of initially hesitating to explore her own desires, fearing the discomfort that comes with facing one’s own heart. Guided by practices such as creative visualisation, meditation, and journaling, a good dose of introspection and some goal setting exercises, she eventually found clarity about her future path. This led her to take steps to align her life with her heart’s purpose. This story is rich in examples and recommendations for other’s explorations of their own goal-setting practices. If you’re looking for inspiration and guidance in your own pursuit of fulfilling desires, this may be just the thing you need to read today!
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