This is a guided Mettā meditation, also known as Loving Kindness, dedicated towards our mentors.
Anne V Mühlethaler, coach and MMTCP certified mindfulness meditation teacher,starts the session by inviting us to bring an intention to mind, for clarity. Then she invites us to bring to mind a being, a person who has inspired us in some way — whether they were an official or more of an undercover mentor — who lit our path and helped us in some way.
In this practice, we consider the qualities of our mentor that we want to emulate, to nurture. Then we hold this person in our mind’s eye and we repeat phrases of well-wishes. We sendLoving Kindness with gratitude directed toward this first mentor, and then toward a second.
Anne closes the practice by inviting us to imagine our caring mentors sending us the same well wishes of Loving Kindness. In an energetic gratitude loop of metta, Anne invites us to direct Loving Kindness to ourselves, ending with our own mentor wish:
“May I too become a beacon, radiating guidance and inspiration.
May I too be a mentor, illuminating the path for those in need of clarity and direction, whether I support them in their personal life or in their career.”