Looking for the Light

And exploring the ‘cave of the heart’

 “A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.” – Virginia Woolf 

Dear friend, 

Perhaps you are ready, like I am, to take a few days on holiday and are looking forward to seeing off 2023 with friends and family. 

It’s impossible to ignore the vast difficulties happening all around. I stopped listening to the news a few days ago. I’m not in denial about things being hard, I consider it more like self-preservation. There is a light, for me, which is my calling to teach mindfulness and Loving Kindness. Call me crazy but at least I feel like when I do that work (though it’s evenings and weekends), I am contributing to making the world a little more calmer, more thoughtful, and kinder. 

In any case, the perspective of the year’s end generally sparks a flurry of activity for me. This year’s no different, but then again, I’m in the ‘business’ of meditation, a practice many aspiring practitioners try out in January either to soothe their aching nerves (family gatherings trigger anyone?) or get started on their New Year’s resolutions. 

I wanted to be ready with new offerings, starting with my first online meditation course, Loving Kindness 101. 

The course is available via the Insight Timer app. I designed seven days of short lessons and practices, culminating with a 30-minute guided meditation on day eight, where we pull it altogether. The goal is to offer fundamentals that set you up so you can meditate without me! 

If this doesn’t float your boat, fear not, I’ll shortly be releasing an email-based version of the eight-day course. 

If I could have my way, I’d have everyone in the world practising Loving Kindness daily, so you’ll hear from me on the topic again… #lovingkindnessdaily is the goal. 

Meanwhile, if deepening your meditation practice is something you wish to work towards, please consider joining one of the two new programs that I’ll be offering this coming January. 

21 days of Mindfulness

A free online program, I invite you to join me on Zoom daily to help you establish a regularity with your mindfulness practice, sign up via Meetup

The Two Wings of Mindfulness 

A series of hour-long workshops in Geneva, CH, at, #HerStreet. I will be teaching the basics of Loving Kindness alongside mindfulness in short modules, weekly on Monday evenings at 7pm for the month of January. Recordings will be made available via my website later in the Spring. Tickets are available via #HerStreet.com or through their app. If you wonder what the Two Wings of Mindfulness means, you can read my earlier post on the topic here.  

In completely unrelated news, I’m toiling away on a new website, logo, etc. It’s of course, as always, very delayed, so if you were to notice that I’m using a different logo on Eventbrite, IG or somewhere else, it’s my excitement taking the better of me. It will all make sense early in the new year. 

In the meantime, thanks so much for reading me, I really appreciate it. I hope that I’ll see you online or in person one day soon.

Wishing you a wonderful rest of the year, and a glorious, joyful and happy start of 2024. 

With Mettā